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Recommendations and mentions

Dr. Marino Daniela: co-founder and CEO©WyssZurich

Science is awesome.

Science opens your mind.

Science makes you curiously lean over the fence to discover new horizons. Over and over again.

Science makes you bold, critical and fearless of trying. The word RE-search says it all, try and re-try.

Science is colourful, joyful, fun, poetic, heroic, tragic and magic.

Do not choose between princess and science.

Be whoever, however, whatever you want to be at the lab bench, at the computer, behind piles of books or on (yet) impossible quests.

Science needs passion and dedication.

Be yourself and kickass.

Dr Daniela Marino
CEO and Co-Founder of Cutiss AG | scientists | Biotechnology | PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Why do we buy a shirt for girls with a purple unicorn and a glittering rainbow? And why do we buy a shirt with a car or a rocket on it in darker colors - for a boy? Because we all have a gender bias - at least to a certain extent.


So let's challenge our kids! And empower girls and boys to become whatever they want to be - before they develop gender stereotypes for themselves, what usually happens at the age around five years.


That's why I'm a strong supporter of Eva's mission to create a world where every human being can unfold his or her true potential. Without judging. Without saying: "Oh babe, that's only for girls." Or "That's only for the boys". Our kids deserve a big, great world, that they can explore together with us.

Sandra Stella Triebl
Top 5 Leaders🇨🇭2020 Handelszeitung 
Founder & Media Entrepreneur | Network Expert & Board Member

Sandra-Stella Triebl
Kirstina Maria Brandstetter

In childhood, the enthusiasm for technology is equally strong in boys AND girls. Later it decreases in girls and is at its lowest point at 15/16. At a time, when the essential course for the later career choice is set.


As the Head of Marketing and Communications of an innovation service provider, as a board member of #TheNewITGirls, and as the mom of a smart and bright five-year-old, this affects me threefold because it means one thing: we are educating girls away from this love instead of encouraging it.


An essential part of it is the social pigeonholing that is transported from childhood through the fashion industry - dinos and space motifs are found in the boy's department, they don't exist in the girl's department. In the girl's world they don't exist and are thus hidden from the very beginning.  I am grateful to Eva that she has taken this up and shows that it can be done differently!

Kristina Maria Brandstetter
Head of Marketing & Communications Zühlke Austria
Board member  #TheNewITGirls

Mint Girls is a clothing brand committed to empowering girls and keeping all their options open.


We make clothes for girls who love science, planets, spaceships, trucks, dragons, robots and more. We offer an alternative to the many clothes with princesses, unicorns, fairies and rainbows. Because we want to give girls the opportunity to choose for themselves which interests and motifs they find great. Here girls will find dresses with many colorful MINT (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) motifs.


And of course, we want only the best for our girls! Our high quality, sustainable, organic, practical and beautiful clothes are sewn in a factory in Portugal.

Sustainability is an important topic for us and we look for solutions that are in harmony with it. All our clothes are made from organic cotton and we reduce packaging as much as possible. We work with a production company that has the same values and supports us very well on this path. They strongly believe in creating a truly sustainable fashion industry.


The designs are created by several amazing designers who want to make sure our girls can wear fun and colorful dresses, leggings and shirts. You can find out more about our designers here.

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