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Mint Girls Blog

Eva Parth dos Santos
3 min read
Holiday activities in Switzerland: inspiring STEM-minded girls
Summer vacation is a great time to inspire kids and encourage their interests. If you also have a STEM-minded young girl in your life who...

Eva Parth dos Santos
3 min read
Sustainability in the fashion industry
A blog post about in which areas fashion brands can pursue the topic of sustainability. Including our strategy with Mint Girls.

Eva Parth dos Santos
2 min read
Girls are pretty and boys brave?
How compliments for girls and boys are different and what we can do to help our children.

Eva Parth dos Santos
4 min read
Two years of Mint Girls. Looking back and where the journey is going.
The last two years have been very exciting for me both in business and on a personal level.

Eva Parth dos Santos
4 min read
How can we best prepare our children for life?
But HOW can we do that exactly? To make things a bit simpler, we have collected a few tips from experts.

Eva Parth dos Santos
2 min read
Girls also like to play with cars
Christmas this year was an eye opener for my family. There were games and Tonie figures and puzzles for the girls (I admit the theme of...

Eva Parth dos Santos
4 min read
5 things we should not say to our children
5 things we should not say to our children
For all educators who want to raise their children to be strong and independent.

Eva Parth dos Santos
6 min read
Switzerland, the island: Cross-border e-commerce business from Switzerland to the EU
Having an e-commerce business in Switzerland, you might think that it will be straightforward to scale to other countries. Switzerland is...

Eva Parth dos Santos
4 min read
Why a brand like Mint Girls and how it all started
Almost one year ago I founded my company Mint Girls. A fashion brand for girls that love science, technology, space, trucks and more....

Eva Parth dos Santos
4 min read
3 easy ways to empower girls including practical recommendations
We all have our own answer to the question 'why we should empower girls'. In a blog post from the UN Foundation, the author talks about...
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